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Welcome to William Byrne

In elementary school, we spark curiosity and wonder in each student through engaging learning experiences, caring staff, and a supportive environment. Students glimpse their futures and discover a world of possibilities.

Jon BonnevilleMeet the Principal

Elementary Pathways Spark Wonder

Pathways in elementary school sparks curiosity and wonder in our Preschool–Grade 5 students. Students discover a world of possibilities through rich learning experiences in our four career fields. 

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William ByrneNews & Events

Caring Community Series concludes with a presentation in February

Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 is proud to continue the Caring Community Series, a four-event series designed to support the well-being of One91 students and families. The third session will take place Jan. 14 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Nicollet Middle School, 400 E. 134th St. in Burnsville. 

william byrne chess team takes first at tournament

William Byrne Elementary and Nicollet Middle School captured the team titles at the annual District 191 Chess Championship on Dec. 14. Fifth-grader Thiago Briceno Cerrato and seventh-grader Franklin Briceno Cerrato both went undefeated to take home the individual elementary and secondary titles, respectively. 

students playing chess

District 191 Community Education will host two chess tournaments on Saturday, Dec. 14 at Diamondhead Education Center, its annual One91 student tournament as well as the Burnsville Club and Action tournament, which has individual, club and team divisions and is open to the public.

community of excellence awards

Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 staff members and an entire department are being recognized for their extraordinary contributions to the One91 community with 2024 Community of Excellence (COE) Awards. 

Kindergarten student on the first day of school

Families of incoming kindergarten students for the 2024-25 school year are invited to attend kindergarten information events in Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 elementary schools during the last week of January. 

new online payment service for school meals in district 191

We’ve teamed up with MySchoolBucks, an online service that allows you to easily and securely pay for school meals and a la carte items using a credit/debit card or electronic check. Though student school meals (one breakfast and one lunch) remain free of charge to most K-12 students, parents/guardians can deposit additional funds into meal accounts using MySchoolBucks, which is replacing our current online service, PayPAMS.

three students performing in 'matilda the musical'

"Matilda," based on the beloved children’s book by Roald Dahl, is a delightful and inspiring musical that promises to captivate audiences of all ages. The production features a talented cast of young performers, with two actors sharing the role of Matilda — junior Allie Stuart and sophomore Greta Dickhausen.

student choosing a side of fruit at lunchtime

Even though meals are free for most students, District 191 asks all families to complete the Alternate Application for Educational Benefits. By filling out the Alternate Application for Educational Benefits, families may qualify for additional benefits such as reduced or waived athletic and activities fees, reduced transportation fees, discounts on internet service, emergency food benefits, and more. 

two young boys playing in a sandbox

Public school districts are known for the hard work that goes into educating students from kindergarten through 12th grade, but that is not the whole picture. Through early childhood community education and special education programs, there are opportunities for lifelong learning. As with most things, getting a strong start is so important for young learners and their families. 

school counselor at eagle ridge middle school

Schools in District 191 prioritize supporting each student’s social, emotional, mental and physical health on a daily basis so that students have all the tools they need to succeed. Student Support Teams made up of social workers, behavior analysts, psychologists, nurses, counselors, and cultural liaisons work to identify and address students’ needs, provide support and build valuable relationships with families. Their work is an essential part of what we do in One91. 

teacher working with a student on a project

Sparking curiosity and wonder in each student.” That’s the driving force behind Pathways at the elementary level in District 191. It’s not about having young learners pick their future career, it’s about allowing students to discover a world of possibilities through rich learning experiences. Opportunities for this type of interaction are found throughout the school day, and one example is the district’s specialists coming together to provide amazing experiences for every student. 

Fifth-graders: Experience Middle School events coming up March 2

One91 Middle Schools - Eagle Ridge and Nicollet - are thrilled to welcome incoming sixth-graders and their families to our Experience Middle School events! Middle school years are critical in the development of students, which is why we’ve designed our learning to foster exploration and nurture creativity as students consider their future. 

Educational Innovation in Action: One91 Virtual Academy

Knowing that many students thrive in an online environment, the district set out to create a virtual school option that follows the innovative Pathways model, supports students in a variety of ways, and adapts throughout a student’s time to allow for more independence. 

kindergarten student lifted up by parent with excited look

Families are invited to attend kindergarten information events in District 191 schools in January and February. 

At these events, parents will have the opportunity to hear from principals, teachers and parents about what to expect in kindergarten, ask questions and complete the enrollment process, if they haven’t already. Children are welcome to attend. 

Four male elementary students practice playing their instruments

Those are just two of the many instruments students get the chance to play over the course of the year in Instrumental Music. The program, which started in the 2020-21 school year, gives each fifth-grader the opportunity to take 3-4 small-group lessons with instruments from each of the four orchestra instrument families - strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion. 

students picking up garbage

Whether it’s helping a neighbor or a classmate, donating supplies, time, or money to regional charities, or finding ways to contribute on a more global level, the commitment to service is strong here. Our students are a shining example of that.  

shrey pothini

No single person embodies the culture of community service in District 191 quite like Shrey. Growing up in Savage, Shrey was surrounded by a family who showed him different aspects of the world, teachers who encouraged him, and a community who rallied behind his efforts. It started when he was three years old and his mother Seema took him to a local teen homeless shelter where she served on the board. 

District 191 employees recognized for excellence

Ten Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 staff members and an entire department are being recognized for their extraordinary contributions to the One91 community with 2022 Community of Excellence (COE) Awards. 

First Day of School changes on Sept. 8

A recent announcement from the Minnesota Department of Education has led to some changes in the start of the District 191 school year. The following shows how and when the school year will start by grade level.

Masks will be required as 2021-22 school year starts

The Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 Board of Education approved a mask requirement for staff, students and visitors in District 191 schools to start the 2021-22 school year as part of the district’s health and safety protocols in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

share your spark

We're asking students, staff and parents to share some of those experiences from last year to set the tone for this year. Record a short, 1-minute or less video, submit it through the form below and we'll compile them to share with staff as part of our back-to-school event. Your sparks will help us accelerate into the coming year.

One91 Pathways

At a Jan. 21 school board meeting, the Pathways steering team — led by Kathy Funston, Director of Strategic Partnerships & Pathways and Imina Oftedhal, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment — clarified implementation plans over the next three school years. 

elementary students in classroom

Ten schools in Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 have been recognized for achieving Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Sustaining Exemplar status through the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).

elementary student and teacher working together one-on-one.

A new literacy curriculum in Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 elementary schools has shown signs of growth for the district’s youngest readers, with nine out of 10 schools surpassing the state average when it comes to student progress on state reading tests in 2019.

student works in a makerspace

The model - which we’re calling Pathways K-12 - builds on the work we are already doing in elementary schools. It also aligns with the Pathways model at Burnsville High School that helps students find their passions, understand how classes and careers fit together, and prepare for success after graduation. 


District 191 announced two school leadership changes that will take place for the 2019-20 school year. Dr. Elizabeth Vaught, current principal at Neill Elementary, will be moving to William Byrne STEM Elementary, and current Byrne Principal Lyle Bomsta will be moving to Neill Elementary.